Friday, February 5, 2016

Thea: The Awakening, Contents

Thea: The Awakening by MuHa Games is a turn-based strategy game. The player leads a village, sending out people to explore the land (and look for trouble), gather resources and fight baddies. Back at the village, food and equipment may be crafted from the resources gathered in order to give advantages to handle more difficult encounters. With many random Events possible, each game is a different adventure.

Listed below are the articles I wrote based on my experience with the game. The version numbers of Thea are listed, followed by the game names, links to the articles and notes. The game changes a lot between the versions. The most notable difference is that the Early Access version have different bonuses for the deities compared to the Release version.


Early Access Version

Lada 1
Thea: The Awakening, Lada 1
The Cropping: Vily, Dwarf Bandit, Attract Goblin, Late Forest Elf Druid.

Veles 1
Thea: The Awakening, Veles 1
Craftsmen Village Focus, The Cropping, Wandering Elf Event, Poludnica Event, Late Forest Elf Druid.

Horos 2
There is no Horos 1 article.
Thea: The Awakening, Horos 2
Black ground bug, Goblin Shaman at start, Gatherers Village Focus, Attract Goblin, Striga Master Event, Poludnica Event, Late Forest Elf Druid.

Morena 1
Thea: The Awakening, Morena 1
Gatherers Village Focus, Harvest Moon, Attract Goblin, The Cropping, Poisoned Village Well Event (x4), Herbalist Hut, Liho.


Release Version

Morena 2, the one with the Fat Rat.
Thea: The Awakening, Morena 2, Part 1
Poisoned Village Well Event, Bandits Event, Fat Rat, Trading with Nomads, Elf and Orc Love Story Quest.
Thea: The Awakening, Morena 2, Part 2
Fat Rat, Icy Princess, Poisoned Village Well Event, Morena's Divine Quest, Attract Beast, Looting Orcs Event, Striga Mistress Event, Poludnica Event.
Thea: The Awakening, Morena 2, Part 3
Fall into Ground Event, Enchanted bone, Enchanted bone full Equip, Looting Orcs Event, Fat Rat.
Thea: The Awakening, Morena 2, Final Part
Poludnica Event, Attract Beast, Black Mist Event, Attract Demon, Wandering Elf Event, Poisoned Village Well Event, Fat Rat, Morena's Bonuses.

Mokosh 1
Thea: The Awakening, Mokosh 1, Part 1
Gatherers Village Focus, Hidden Chest Event, Hangedman Quest.
Thea: The Awakening, Mokosh 1, Final Part
Mokosh's Divine Quest, Cosmic Tree Quest, Late Forest Elf Druid.

Svarog 1, the one with the food problem.
Thea: The Awakening, Svarog 1, Part 1
Gatherers Village Focus, Low Food, Skshach Event, Treasureboy Event, Bandits Event, Night of Kupala Event: Bonfire and Svarog, Trading with Nomads, Smithy Quest, Sealed Necromancer Event.
Thea: The Awakening, Svarog 1, Part 2
Night of Kupala Event, Dziody, Rarog Event, Vavel Dragon Quest, Graveyard Event, Svarog's Divine Quest.
Thea: The Awakening, Svarog 1, Final Part
Attract Beast, Wailing Wraiths Event, Hidden Chest Event, Rarog Event, Cosmic Tree Quest, Late Forest Elf Druid.

Horos 3, the one with the impassable water.
Thea: The Awakening, Horos 3, Part 1
Horos's Bonuses, Warriors Village Focus, Nightstalker at start, Lost Goddess Event, Hohlicks Play Event.
Thea: The Awakening, Horos 3, Part 2
Horos's Divine Quest, Black Cat Event, Goblin Village trading, Baba Yaga's House Quest, Dying Leshy's Wish Quest.
Thea: The Awakening, Horos 3, Part 3
Horos's Divine Quest, Baba Yaga's House Quest, Cosmic Tree Quest, Striga Master Event.
Thea: The Awakening, Horos 3, Final Part
Mamuna, Striga Mistress Event, Goblin Village trading, Cosmic Tree Quest, Dragon Lair, Refugees Event, Late Forest Elf Druid, Horos's Bonuses.


Return of the Giants and Story Bundle Version

Lada 2, the one with running from corner to corner of the world.
Thea: The Awakening, Lada 2, Part 1
Gatherers Village Focus, Elf Visitor Event, Wicker, Ruins of a House Event, Old Tower Event, Tree with Crow's Nest Event, Tutorial Hochlicks Again Event, Black Wolf Event.
Thea: The Awakening, Lada 2, Part 2
Meeting Hall, Attract Beasts, Baba Yaga's House Quest, Dragon bones, Traders Visit Event, Claw of Veles, Thieving Dragon Event, Skeleton of a Dragon Event, King's Quest.

Thea: The Awakening, Lada 2, Part 3
Chess Bandits Event, Poisoned Village Well Event, Werewolves Attack Event, Tutorial Dungeon, Vily, Lada's Divine Quest, King's Quest, Suspicious House Event, Striga Bat.
Thea: The Awakening, Lada 2, Part 4
Cosmic Tree Quest, Wandering Elf Event, Village Wedding Event, Dwarf Bandit Event, Baba Yaga's House Quest, Gravely Ill Child Event, Giants Return Quest, Dragon's Bane, Late Forest Elf Druid.
Thea: The Awakening, Lada 2, Part 5
Blessed Tree Symbol, Silveroak, Giants Return Quest, Dwarf Bandit.
Thea: The Awakening, Lada 2, Final Part
Dragon Lords Encounter, Holy Hog, Giants Encounter, Skeleton of a Dragon Event, Dragon bone full Equip, Bandits Event, Lada's Bonuses.

Zorya 1, the one with the Dwarf Smith and the Giant Crow.
Thea: The Awakening, Zorya 1, Part 1
Warriors Village Focus, Tutorial, Visiting Dwarf Event, Dwarf Smith, Old Goblin Visit Event, Goblin Peddlers Event, Smithy, Zorya's Divine Quest, Tutorial Dungeon, Gravely Ill Child Event, Giant Crow, Falling Star Event.
Thea: The Awakening, Zorya 1, Part 2
Hangedman Quest, Visiting Orcs Event, Zorya's Divine Quest, Chess Bandits Event, Orcs from Smithy Quest Again Event, Baba Yaga's House Quest, Elf and Orc Love Story Quest, Skeleton of a Dragon Event, Gravely Ill Child Event.
Thea: The Awakening, Zorya 1, Part 3
Dwarf Smith, Totem, Old Oil Lamp Event, Village Wedding Event, Cosmic Tree Quest, Dragon's Bane, Goblin Village trading, Musician Craftswoman, Gravely Ill Child Event, Elf and Orc Love Story, Scavenger, Watchtower, Orcs from Smithy Quest Again Event, Cosmic Tree Quest, Manger.
Thea: The Awakening, Zorya 1, Part 4
Visiting Orcs Event, Cosmic Tree Quest, Dusktown, Old Oil Lamp Event, Holy Hog.
Thea: The Awakening, Zorya 1, Final Part
Giants Return Quest, Werewolves Attack Event, Alpha Wolf, Claw of Veles.


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